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Day Of Pentecost Church

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Day Of Pentecost Church is Apostolic In Doctrine and Pentecostal In Worship! We are a Spirit-Filled Church that still preaches & practices the same message that was Preached on the Day Of Pentecost. We are still in the same Dispensation of Pentecost and so it still takes Practicing what the early church did to be saved. Have You Received The Holy Ghost Since You Believed? Then, we Invite you to experience your own Day of Pentecost!

One God Apostolic Pentecostal Church In Oklahoma City. Preaching and Practicing the Born of Water (Jesus' Name Baptism) and Born Of Spirit (the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues) Message.

Our Focus Is On "True Scriptural Salvation" of the Soul, Spiritual Growth And Living In Christian Victory!

Forgiveness: No matter what happened in your past... We believe in old-fashioned forgiveness! If Jesus Christ has forgiven you... come to a Church that "Forgets" your past!

Worship: Sorry... Don't come here to be entertained...No Smoke...No Rock & Roll Music... We Believe That Our Personal Worship Entertains Jesus and we are Committed to True Worship (John 4:24)...not some praise dancers drawing attention to their own body!!!

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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